ParaFishControl project – Horizon 2020 (H2020-SFS-10a-2014), Research and Innovation Action (RIA)
Grant agreement no. 634429
5 years, from April 2015 to March 2020
Scientific coordinator for the University of Udine
prof. Marco Galeotti
While bacterial and viral diseases of cultured finfish have been extensively studied and have witnessed substantial advances in their control, parasitic diseases have received less attention and research funding. Nevertheless, disease prevention and management are essential for the sustainability of the European aquaculture industry. The diversity of species and farming practices throughout Europe involves a significant number of threats related to a large variety of pathogens that hamper production and require specific preventive and curative practices and tools ensuring a high level of biosecurity of aquaculture production and related seafood products.
Among other disease-related threats, parasites and related infections can cause significant damages to farmed fish species and can result in poor growth performance, impaired welfare, and high mortality rates with significant consequences in terms of production and economic performance.
ParaFishControl is a EU H2020-funded project that, within the framework, aims at increasing the sustainability and competitiveness of the European aquaculture industry by improving our understanding of fish-parasite interactions and by developing innovative solutions and tools for the prevention, control and mitigation of the most harmful parasitic species affecting the main European farmed fish species.
Project partners
29 partners from 13 countries
Working group
prof. Marco Galeotti, dott.ssa Paola Beraldo, dott.ssa Donatella Volpatti, dott. Omkar Byadgi, dott.ssa Chiara Bulfon, dott.ssa Michela Massimo, sig. Pierluigi Bagatella, sig.ra Carla Calligaro
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