TOPValue project - The added value of mountain products
Interreg V-A Italy-Austria program 2014-2020, call 2016
Priority Axis: Nature and Culture
Thematic focus: Preserve, protect, promote and develop the natural and cultural heritage
(Project ID ITAT2009 - CUP G22F16000780007)
30 months, from January 2017 to June 2019
Principal investigator for University of Udine
prof. Stefano Bovolenta
The gradual abandonment of traditional activities and the difficulties faced in promoting local productions, are challenging mountain cultural and natural heritage and thus the touristic attractiveness of the area. The project aims to support mountain food chains using the policy instruments provided by the optional quality term “mountain product” as defined by EU Reg. 1151/12 and 665/14. The term has not been implemented yet in the transboundary area and its uptake could be beneficial to both producers and consumers by adding value and traceability to local mountain products. Project actions will target regional case-studies in order to identify and suggest solutions to barriers for the adoption of the optional quality term. The innovative approach consists in empowering the “mountain products” by identifying and quantifying ecosystem services (e.g biodiversity, landscape aesthetics, animal welfare, emissions’ regulations) linked to the natural and cultural assets of the area but which are currently hidden into a broader food quality concept. The identification and quantification of ecosystem services allows not only to support high-quality products also in terms of social and environmental sustainability, but also to meet the expectations of tourists and consumers by adopting effective communication strategies on traditional mountain products that contribute to a lively and attractive transboundary area.
Project partners
- Kammer für Land- und Forstwirtschfat in Kärnten (Lead Partner)
- Regional Agency for Rural Development - ERSA
- Veneto Region
- Umweltbüro GmbH, Klagenfurt
- University of Udine
- University of Padua
Working group
prof. Stefano Bovolenta, prof. Edi Piasentier, dr. Mirco Corazzin, dr. Anna Zuliani; dr. Chiara Spigarelli; dr. Saida Favotto, dr. Angela Sepulcri, dr. Elena Saccà
For more information