Positive feedback for the educational activities offered to schools
The didactic activities proposed by the SAV section to the local schools were successfully concluded during the 4 meetings scheduled in March 2018.
The students were able to observe closely how, why and with what results the research activity is carried out when applied to the animal and veterinary sciences.
The day dedicated to the Rodari elementary school in Trieste was particularly intense and satisfying, involving 81 pupils from two third classes, two fourth and one fifth classes, coordinated by dott.ssa Alice Affatati, supported by teachers.
The pupils followed with great interest the explanations and proposed activities summarized in the photos.

Professor Bovolenta
and its collaborators (dott.sse Spigarelli and Berlese) introduce the multiple areas of research in which the SAV section is involved

Very attentive pupils during the explanations

Dott. Menegon summarizes the importance of biodiversity

Dott. Filacorda explains the activity of monitoring, studying and safeguarding large carnivores in the regional territory

One of the pages of the notebook of the
"sensory exercises" created
by Dr. Favotto.
Schoolchildren exercised
their perceptive skills such as sensory judges during the qualitative evaluation of food

The DI4A conference room, in via Sondrio,
hosted the educational activities aimed at the Rodari school in Trieste in the first part of the day

Prof. Miceli presents the germoplasm bank
and the importance of plant biodiversity. The pupils, in groups, subsequently visited the germplasm bank.

Prof. Alberti introduces an experiment on photosynthesis using spinach leaves

The second part of the teaching activities was held in Sant'Osvaldo (UD)

A phase of the experiment conducted
by Prof. Alberti:
the syringes, placed in the sun, contained bits of spinach leaves.
The experiment on photosynthesis has succeeded!